Topic Race & Ethnicity

The historical legacy of racial and ethnic discrimination in the United States continues to determine economic outcomes today. Far too often one’s race and ethnicity shape the ways in which one’s characteristics are valued by employers and the economy. Intentional policies have identified winners and losers based on their racial and ethnic background, such as redlining and the lack of enforcement of anti-discrimination laws. Equitable Growth elevates a racial and ethnic lens on the U.S. economy to draw attention to persistent disparate outcomes by race and ethnicity.

Featured work


Police in public schools harm students, leading to far-reaching socioeconomic inequalities alongside less safe schools

FamiliesInequality & Mobility

New research documents the high cost of residential racial segregation in Northern cities of the United States

Inequality & Mobility

The importance of anti-discrimination enforcement for a fair and equitable U.S. labor market and broadly shared economic growth

LaborInequality & Mobility
working paper

Wealth of two nations: The U.S. racial wealth gap, 1860-2020

Inequality & Mobility
Vision 2020

The logistics of a reparations program in the United States

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & MobilityFamilies
Equitable Recovery

Racial equity in U.S. data collection improves the accuracy of research, policy evaluation, and subsequent policymaking

Inequality & Mobility

Explore Content in Race & Ethnicity474


Equitable Growth’s Jobs Day Graphs: May 2023 Report Edition

LaborInequality & Mobility

New IRS report examines free tax filing option to reduce the cost and complexity for U.S. taxpayers

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Food assistance can disrupt intergenerational poverty in the United States, promoting racial economic equity

FamiliesInequality & Mobility
working paper

The Effectiveness of the Food Stamp Program at Reducing Differences in the Intergenerational Persistence of Poverty

FamiliesInequality & Mobility

Proposed update to federal cost-benefit analysis guidelines correctly focuses on accounting for inequality in regulations

Inequality & Mobility

Equitable Growth’s Jobs Day Graphs: April 2023 Report Edition

LaborInequality & Mobility

How government reliance on fines and fees harms communities across the United States

Inequality & Mobility

Police in public schools harm students, leading to far-reaching socioeconomic inequalities alongside less safe schools

FamiliesInequality & Mobility

Equitable Growth’s Jobs Day Graphs: March 2023 Report Edition

LaborInequality & Mobility

Equitable Growth’s Jobs Day Graphs: February 2023 Report Edition

LaborInequality & Mobility

Data infrastructure and tribal sovereignty can help break down barriers for Native Americans to build wealth

Inequality & Mobility

Examining the history of the U.S. racial wealth divide shows stagnating progress on closing these disparities

Inequality & Mobility
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