Topic Gender

Women’s dual role as workers, investors, and owners in the U.S. economy and as primary caretakers within most families constrains their opportunities and imposes barriers on sharing the gains of economic growth. The gender wage gap and occupational segregation by gender remain consistent features of the economy. Equitable Growth digs deep to analyze the ways gender impacts economic outcomes and what solutions can begin to push back on the social forces that impede economic success regardless of one’s gender.

Featured work


Factsheet: What the research says about the economic impacts of reproductive care

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor
In Conversation

In Conversation with Lee Badgett

Inequality & MobilityLabor
TOPICS: Gender, Pay Equity

Beauty products for women of color and femme-identifying people of color perpetuate U.S. health and other socioeconomic inequalities

Inequality & Mobility

African American men and the U.S. labor market during recessions and economic recoveries

LaborInequality & MobilityFamilies
Vision 2020

The economic imperative of enacting paid family leave across the United States

FamiliesInequality & MobilityLabor

Gender wage inequality

LaborInequality & Mobility

Explore Content in Gender236

working paper

Global Trends in Income Inequality and Income Dynamics: New Insights from GRID

Inequality & Mobility

Latino workers are often segregated into bad jobs, but a strong U.S. labor movement can boost job quality and U.S. economic growth

LaborInequality & MobilityFamilies

Better data collection can help lift the LGBTQ+ community out of economic hardship in the United States

Inequality & MobilityLabor

The Self-Taught Economy: Open Access and Inclusion in the Tech Industry

Inequality & MobilityLabor

Caregiving Arrangements for Older Adults: The Roles of Family Characteristics and Public Benefits

FamiliesInequality & Mobility

Do Labor Strikes Achieve Worker Demands? Understanding Strike Outcomes and Effectiveness

LaborInequality & Mobility

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Firm and Labor Dynamics

CompetitionInequality & Mobility

Inequality in Health Returns to Local Labor Markets: Extraction Booms and Mortality among Native Americans

Inequality & MobilityFamilies
Past Event

LGBTQ+ Economic Data and Disparities: What We Still Need to Know

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor
working paper

Socioeconomic Diversity of Economics PhDs

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

New U.S. Census Bureau data show significant economic disparities among the LGBTQ+ community

Inequality & Mobility
Expert Focus

Expert Focus: The economic impacts of access to abortion and contraception

LaborInequality & MobilityFamilies
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