Topic Income & Earnings Volatility

Short-term fluctuations in family incomes and in workers’ earnings have consequences not only for family economic wellbeing but also for the health of the broader U.S. economy. Equitable Growth serves as a hub for researchers working on defining levels and trends in U.S. family income and earnings volatility, connecting the dots between these metrics and outcomes for a variety of social policies and programs while simultaneously growing the evidence base for how these micr0-level trends for families and individuals are impacting the strength and stability of the economy.

Featured work


A missed opportunity to expand the Child Tax Credit will affect U.S. families and the broader economy now and for years to come

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesTax & Macroeconomics
working paper

Anticipation and Consumption

FamiliesInequality & Mobility

Consumption volatility across the U.S. income distribution is highest among low-income workers and their families

Inequality & MobilityFamilies
Vision 2020

Earnings instability and mobility over our working lives: Improving short- and long-term economic well-being for U.S. workers

LaborFamiliesInequality & Mobility

Planning for the next recession by reforming U.S. automatic stabilizers

Tax & MacroeconomicsFamiliesLabor

Household insecurity matters for U.S. macroeconomic stability

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & MobilityFamilies

Explore Content in Income & Earnings Volatility174


New IRS report examines free tax filing option to reduce the cost and complexity for U.S. taxpayers

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Equitable Growth grantee Gabriel Zucman awarded the 2023 John Bates Clark Medal

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & Mobility

The importance of understanding how job quality affects U.S. workers and the entire economy, and how to boost access to good jobs

LaborInequality & Mobility

A missed opportunity to expand the Child Tax Credit will affect U.S. families and the broader economy now and for years to come

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesTax & Macroeconomics

How the new Global Repository of Income Dynamics database sheds light on income inequality and economic mobility

Inequality & Mobility
working paper

Global Trends in Income Inequality and Income Dynamics: New Insights from GRID

Inequality & Mobility

What federal statistical agencies can do to improve survey response rates among Hispanic communities in the United States

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor

Measuring spending inequality in the United States in real time

FamiliesTax & MacroeconomicsInequality & Mobility

Collateral Consequences: How Driver’s License Suspensions Create Barriers to Work

Inequality & MobilityLabor

Low-Income Borrowers and Payday Lenders: A Qualitative Study

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & Mobility

Why the Inflation Reduction Act is key to strong, broad-based U.S. economic growth

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesTax & Macroeconomics

American Sociological Association 2022 conference highlights inequities among vulnerable U.S. populations

Inequality & MobilityFamilies
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