Labor Wage Stagnation
Topic Wage Stagnation

The labor market in the United States has experienced persistent wage stagnation for many workers along the income distribution in recent history. Understanding why wages have not grown for most workers, despite long-term productivity gains and economic recovery, is a key challenge for researchers and policymakers. Equitable Growth digs into data and analysis of the determinants of wages and the overall health of the labor market to understand what policy levers are useful to curb wage stagnation along the distribution.

Featured work


What is going on with wage growth in the United States?

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A college degree is not the solution to U.S. wage inequality

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New research shows the importance of worker power for addressing U.S. wage inequality

LaborInequality & MobilityFamilies

African American men and the U.S. labor market during recessions and economic recoveries

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How corporate governance strategies hurt worker power in the United States

LaborInequality & Mobility
working paper

Wage Posting or Wage Bargaining? A Test Using Dual Jobholders


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