issue Inequality & Mobility

Equitable Growth supports research and policy analysis on how trends in economic inequality and mobility and changes in the economy have affected the concentration of wealth, income, and earnings, and how these distributional shifts have affected the promise of economic security and opportunity.

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During the mid-20th century, strong economic growth was broadly shared, as incomes increased and children could expect a better quality of life than their parents, though significant disparities across demographic groups remained. In recent decades, wealth, income, and earnings inequality have been rising and mobility declining, and demographic disparities persist. Better understanding these trends and their implications for economic growth will inform evidence-backed policies that improve growth and mobility for people across incomes, regions, and demographic groups.

Featured Research

In Conversation

In Conversation with Miles Corak

Inequality & Mobility

U.S. economic mobility trends and outcomes

Inequality & Mobility
In Conversation

In conversation with Sasha Killewald

Inequality & Mobility

GDP 2.0: Measuring who prospers when the U.S. economy grows

Inequality & Mobility

Stratification economics: What it is and how it advances our understanding of inequality

Inequality & Mobility

Six charts that explain how inequality in the United States changed over the past 20 years

Inequality & Mobility

Explore Content in Inequality & Mobility2587

Coronavirus Recession

Latest jobs report for June reveals pre-existing inequality in U.S. labor market worsening amid coronavirus recession

Inequality & MobilityLabor
Vision 2020

Experts discuss transformative ideas for 2020 U.S. economic policy debate at Vision 2020 event

Inequality & MobilityLaborTax & Macroeconomics

Four graphs on U.S. occupational segregation by race, ethnicity, and gender

LaborInequality & Mobility

Factsheet: U.S. occupational segregation by race, ethnicity, and gender

LaborInequality & Mobility
Coronavirus Recession

The coronavirus recession highlights the importance of automatic stabilizers

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
Coronavirus Recession

A feminist economic policy agenda in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the quest for racial justice

Inequality & MobilityLabor
TOPICS: Gender, Pay Equity
Coronavirus Recession

New analysis shows state paid leave programs cushioned the blow of COVID-19, sparking important new questions

FamiliesInequality & MobilityLabor
Coronavirus Recession

The coronavirus recession is an opportunity to cancel all U.S. student loan debt

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & Mobility
Vision 2020

Equitable Growth webinar will explore bold policies to ensure a broad-based economic recovery

LaborInequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
Expert Focus

Expert Focus: Leading Black scholars on U.S. economic inequality and growth

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLaborTax & Macroeconomics

Reconsidering progress this Juneteenth: Eight graphics that underscore the economic racial inequality Black Americans face in the United States

Inequality & Mobility
Past Event

Vision 2020 Webinar: Focusing on Economic Recovery and Structural Change

Inequality & Mobility

Experts on the issue


Morris Kleiner

University of Minnesota

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Heather Sarsons

University of Chicago

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Leah Stokes

University of California, Santa Barbara

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Joan Williams

University of California, Hastings College of Law

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Martina Jasova

Barnard College

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