Funded Research

Our funding interests are organized around the following four drivers of economic growth: macroeconomics and inequality, market structure, the labor market, and human capital and wellbeing. We consider proposals that investigate the consequences of economic inequality, as well as group dimensions of inequality; the causes of inequality to the extent that understanding these causal pathways will help us identify and understand key channels through which inequality may affect growth and stability; and the ways in which public policies affect the relationship between inequality and growth.

Explore the Grants We've Awarded


College and intergenerational mobility: New evidence from administrative data

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $28,000

Grant Type: academic

Many argue that higher education is one of the best ways to increase intergenerationalmobility. Students from lower-income backgrounds can move up the income ladder if they attend the right college or university. But how equal is access to those schools? If qualified low-income students aren’t attending the schools that provide the most opportunity, then the college attendance process may be retarding upward economic mobility. This research project will look at the role of colleges and universities in transmitting income inequality into the next generation. Using gold-standard restricted-access tax data, the author will identify where students from across the income distribution attend college, and which colleges are improving the economic standing of students up and down the income ladder.

Impact of the great rise in finance on resource allocation and employment

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $60,000

Grant Type: academic

The authors will investigate how large increases in household debt affect the allocation of labor across geographical areas and industries. This project is a continuation of their previous research on household debt, and will result in the creation of a new historical county-level panel of household balance sheets and industry-specific employment—a harmonized data set (1946-2012) that will be available to other researchers. A second contribution is a test of whether the run-up in debt led to imbalances in employment, a corollary to the findings in Mian and Sufi (2014) about employment shocks during the Great Recession. A better understanding of the interaction between household debt and structural changes in the allocation of labor could help researchers better identify and understand the root causes behind the labor market slowdown.

Inequality, aggregate demand, and secular stagnation

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

Over the past two years, “secular stagnation” has been widely discussed within the policy community. Supporters of the secular-stagnation hypothesis believe that demand may be permanently below supply capacity, with low interest rates and inflation targets by central banks preventing real interest rates from falling to the point necessary to restore the supply and demand balance. Widening income inequality has been cited as one cause of secular stagnation. This project will develop a theoretical model to illuminate how income inequality affects aggregate income and therefore economic growth. The model has important implications for economic policy, particularly monetary policy.

The impact of inequality on young workers’ career progression

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $45,000

Grant Type: academic

Research shows that a worker’s first few years in the labor force have outsized effects over their entire lifetime earning’s trajectory. This project will look at how earnings, employment, and job transitions have changed for young workers over the past three decades. The researcher will also look at how rising income inequality affects career outcomes.

Student loans: vehicle of opportunity or trojan horse?

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

How does the dramatic increase of student loan debt affect how college graduates search for jobs in the labor market? Do the effects of student debt on job search differ across the distribution of family income? This project addresses these important questions, with immediate implications for contemporary policy conversations about student debt reform, as well as the broader fate of Millennials in the labor market.

Inequality of economic precarity and uncertainty and family formation and instability

Grant Year: 2015

Grant Amount: $75,000

Grant Type: academic

Economic inequality and family insecurity have risen in the United States over the past several decades. The interaction between the two phenomena is a matter of debate, as many researchers and policymakers have pointed to family structure, particularly non-marital childbirth, as a key source of rising economic inequality. But what if the relationship went the other way, and rising inequality and economic insecurity were themselves causes of family insecurity? The researchers tackle this question by looking at individual families and their evolution over time. Family instability has major implications for the development of human capital, which in turn feeds directly into long-term economic growth prospects.

Funded research

Human Capital and Wellbeing

How does economic inequality affect the development of human capital, and to what extent do aggregate trends in human capital explain inequality dynamics?


Funded research

Macroeconomics and Inequality

What are the implications of inequality on the long-term stability of our economy and its growth potential?


Funded research

Market Structure

Are markets becoming less competitive and, if so, why, and what are the larger implications?


Funded research

The Labor Market

How does the labor market affect equitable growth? How does inequality in turn affect the labor market?
