issue Tax & Macroeconomics

Equitable Growth supports research and policy analysis on how tax and macroeconomic policies can promote stable and broad-based economic growth.

Photo credit: Bjoern Wylezich/

A strong economy is one that operates at its potential and delivers a high standard of living to the entire population. Monetary, fiscal, and tax policy all play important roles in determining the level and distribution of income, wealth, and other, broader measures of economic wellbeing. Equitable Growth promotes research to improve our understanding of how these policy tools can ensure the economy works for everyone, and reduce the impact of economic downturns.

Featured Research


Factsheet: What the research says about taxing pass-through businesses

Tax & Macroeconomics

Closing the billionaire borrowing loophole would strengthen the progressivity of the U.S. tax code

Tax & Macroeconomics

Doubling down on cuts to the IRS is bad for the federal budget and for tax fairness in the United States

Tax & Macroeconomics

Why measuring inflation is surprisingly challenging

Tax & Macroeconomics

What are the distributional effects of monetary policy?

Tax & Macroeconomics
In Conversation

In Conversation with R. Jisung Park

Tax & Macroeconomics

Explore Content in Tax & Macroeconomics1050

working paper

Inequality and aggregate demand

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Income inequality and aggregate demand in the United States

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

How the rise of market power in the United States may explain some macroeconomic puzzles

Tax & Macroeconomics
working paper

Kaldor and Piketty’s facts: The rise of monopoly power in the United States

Tax & Macroeconomics
TOPICS: Monetary Policy

Can the financial benefit of lobbying be quantified?

Tax & Macroeconomics
TOPICS: Monetary Policy
working paper

Lobbying with Lawyers: Financial Market Evidence for Banks’ Influence on Rulemaking

Tax & Macroeconomics
TOPICS: Monetary Policy

Heather Boushey: SiriusXM Radio interview about economic inequality and the new tax law

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Heather Boushey: “The tax bill should’ve been called The Inequality Exacerbation Act”

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

The Tax Foundation’s treatment of the estate tax in its macroeconomic model

Tax & Macroeconomics

Ten years after the beginning of the Great Recession, is it time to abandon the natural rate hypothesis?

Tax & Macroeconomics
TOPICS: Monetary Policy

U.S. corporate tax cuts and wage growth

LaborTax & Macroeconomics

Tax legislation is no place for paid family leave

FamiliesLaborTax & Macroeconomics


Recession Ready

Recession Ready

Edited by Heather Boushey, Ryan Nunn, and Jay Shambaugh

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Experts on the issue


Juan Carlos Suarez Serrato

Duke University

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Max Risch

Carnegie Mellon University

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Nathan Jensen

University of Texas at Austin

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Guest Author

Michael Ettlinger

University of New Hampshire

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Former Steering Committee

Heather Boushey

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

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