Families Post-secondary Education
Topic Post-secondary Education

College or an equivalent postsecondary credential remain the hallmark of “successful” investment in human capital and preparation for a high-skilled U.S. labor market, yet college access and completion rates are highly unequal by race, family economic background, and other demographic indicators. Moreover, the cost of college has skyrocketed such that student debt burdens threaten to make investments in postsecondary education less economically valuable and less viable for lower-income students than in the past. Equitable Growth is growing the evidence base for how postsecondary education serves as both an accelerator of and a mediator of economic inequalities, and looking for solutions that make lifelong investments in human capital via postsecondary education viable for all.

Featured work

working paper

Socioeconomic Diversity of Economics PhDs

Inequality & MobilityFamilies
Boosting Wages

U.S. labor markets require a new approach to higher education

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor

A college degree is not the solution to U.S. wage inequality

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor

The rising number of U.S. households with burdensome student debt calls for a federal response

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

Diversity in Economics video series uplifts diverse voices and research in economics and social sciences

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

Worker power and pay quality for young workers without a college degree in the United States

LaborInequality & MobilityFamilies

Explore Content in Post-secondary Education61


School-to-Work Pathway and Racial/Ethnic Inequality among College Graduates

Boosting Wages

U.S. labor markets require a new approach to higher education

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor
Boosting Wages

Public investments in social insurance, education, and child care can overcome market failures to promote family and economic well-being


The impact of a tuition credit program on Pell-eligible student outcomes

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

A college degree is not the solution to U.S. wage inequality

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor
Expert Focus

Expert Focus: Leading Black scholars on U.S. economic inequality and growth

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLaborTax & Macroeconomics
Vision 2020

Promote economic and racial justice: Eliminate student loan debt and establish a right to higher education across the United States

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor

Higher education is not the U.S. mobility engine it could be because admissions practices are rigging the system

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

The student loan crisis is fueled by a weak labor market

Tax & MacroeconomicsInequality & MobilityFamiliesLabor

College may not be the great equalizer across race and ethnicity

Inequality & MobilityFamilies

How other nations handle student debt and what the United States could learn from them

FamiliesTax & Macroeconomics
Past Event

Seminar Series: Student loans and the labor market (Invitation Only)

LaborTax & MacroeconomicsFamilies
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