Labor AI, tech, & the economy
Topic AI, tech, & the economy

Economists have long understood technological development to be the main driver of sustained economic growth. Yet the broadly shared benefits from technological advancements are not automatic. Indeed, they historically are a result of how institutions direct the development and deployment of technology.

The use of artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the U.S. economy, but policymakers lack the fundamental information they need to ensure that AI technologies benefit workers and society at large. Equitable Growth is providing evidence on how these transformative new technologies are being adopted, for what purpose, and to what effects, while also identifying evidence gaps and funding social scientists to conduct rigorous research to fill these gaps.

Featured work


Estimating the prevalence of automated management and surveillance technologies at work and their impact on workers’ well-being


U.S. workers, generative AI, and the future of work

LaborInequality & Mobility

Workplace surveillance is becoming the new normal for U.S. workers


New working paper examines the evolution of economic thought on the impact of technological change in the labor market

LaborInequality & Mobility
Executive action to spur equitable growth

Executive actions to reduce inequality and improve job quality for U.S. workers

Competitive Edge

Competitive Edge: Antitrust enforcers need reinforcements to keep pace with algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence


Explore Content in AI, tech, & the economy22


New working paper examines the evolution of economic thought on the impact of technological change in the labor market

LaborInequality & Mobility
Expert Focus

Expert Focus: Advancing our understanding of new technologies and the future of work

LaborInequality & Mobility

Workplace surveillance is becoming the new normal for U.S. workers


New evidence on the success of gig-worker pay standards for ride-hail drivers

LaborInequality & Mobility

Testimony by Michael Kades before the Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law on digital markets

Competitive Edge

Competitive Edge: Jason Furman testifies on the role of data and privacy in online platforms’ market power


How U.S. companies harm workers by making them independent contractors

LaborInequality & Mobility

How job-matching technologies can build a fairer and more efficient U.S. labor market

LaborInequality & Mobility
Competitive Edge

Competitive Edge: Antitrust enforcers need reinforcements to keep pace with algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence


New data on contingent workers in the United States

LaborInequality & Mobility
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