Grant Category

Macroeconomics and Inequality

What are the implications of inequality on the long-term stability of our economy and its growth potential?

What are the implications of inequality on the long-term stability of our economy and its growth potential?

A larger share of U.S. national income has been flowing to the individuals at the top of the income and wealth ladder. These individuals are less likely to spend and more likely to save their money than those with lower income. There is evidence that growing income inequality may be contributing to the so-called secular stagnation of macroeconomic growth.

Growing income inequality likely bears on macroeconomic performance through other channels as well. The lower real interest rates that have resulted from higher global saving will limit the ability of conventional monetary policy to stabilize the economy in the next economic downturn. Growing inequality has also contributed to a growing sense that the economy isn’t working for most families, fueling both distrust in institutions and greater political polarization.

We need to better understand the implications of inequality on the long-term stability of our economy and its growth potential. The large and sustained rise in inequality across income and wealth groups, as well as the disparate performance of different geographies and demographic groups, make understanding how these trends could exacerbate economic instability and reduce economic growth a pressing national concern.

  • The effects of monetary policy
  • The effects of fiscal policy
  • The effects of the tax and transfer system
  • Political economy

Explore the Grants We've Awarded


The innovation dividend of fiscal policy: the impact of defense spending on local innovation in U.S

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

This study focuses on place-based policies and how geographic concentration of innovation affects regional economic growth in the United States. The researchers will explore how local fiscal stimulus in the form of defense spending impacts both innovation and economic growth. Using contract-level data on defense spending and county-level measures of innovation, the researchers will attempt to identify through which channels defense spending affects aggregate innovation. They use Gross Domestic Product, personal income, and total employment to evaluate how defense spending affects economic growth.

Place-based climate policy in the United States

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

This project explores whether, as an empirical matter, people have constrained choice sets in energy consumption due to where they live, and if that, in turn, may mean that traditional models of the efficiency of carbon taxation are incorrect. The researcher will decompose the spatial heterogeneity in carbon emissions into a component driven by individual preferences and a component driven by place. Using U.S. Census data, the American Community Survey, and the Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics, among other data sources, the author explores how factors such as climate, income inequality, segregation, and public disinvestment impact place-based heterogeneity. Since so much emission heterogeneity is tied to income, there are clear implications for how this could impact and be impacted by inequality. Findings have the potential to inform our understanding of how carbon taxes may need to be accompanied by rezoning or other policies.

Monetary policy and firm heterogeneity in the United States

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

With the Federal Reserve’s focus on promoting maximum employment, it is important for researchers to understand how U.S. monetary policy affects firms’ employment differently. This research project will analyze how the age and size of a firm impacts the firm’s responsiveness to monetary policy. Using the Business Dynamics Statistics and Quarterly Workforce Indicators datasets from the U.S. Census Bureau, the researcher will attempt to provide new evidence on the distributional effect of monetary policy on the employment of heterogenous firms in the United States from 1977 to 2007.

Mark-ups, labor market inequality, and the distributional implications of monetary policy

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $60,000

Grant Type: academic

This project is part of a broader agenda to develop quantitative macroeconomic models that can be used to study the distributional implications of macroeconomic shocks and policies. Existing macroeconomic models are limited in their ability to create realistic dynamics in the distribution of labor income in response to macroeconomic shocks. Since labor income is one of the most important dimensions of economic inequality and the most important determinant of economic welfare for the majority of U.S. households, this is a significant limitation. This paper will begin by developing a theory to demonstrate the new heterogeneity that is going to be a key force in the model. It will be followed by an empirical section to show the fact that the model is seeking to address and to highlight the important empirical facts that other models are missing, such as that not all labor income is similarly cyclical and that expansionary and productive occupations have systematically different experiences. The final section addresses the general equilibrium consequences of this heterogeneity, a step that is critically important for doing policy counterfactuals.

Monetary policy, credit, and labor income redistribution

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $58,110

Grant Type: academic

There is an enormous amount of interest recently in the heterogeneous effects of monetary policy, with an eye on questions such as whether monetary policy contributes to inequality. This research will examine two significant research questions within this literature: the effect of monetary policy on inequality and differential effects of the credit transmission channel. This project will use Portuguese administrative data that matches employer-employee data with credit registry data. The project is likely to lead to fine-grained estimates of the effects of monetary policy on the distribution of labor income, as well as on the effects of the distribution of firm credit outcomes.

Does inflation inequality matter for monetary policy?

Grant Year: 2019

Grant Amount: $15,000

Grant Type: doctoral

This project will investigate how individual specific inflation rates affect the transmission of monetary policy. This research seeks to extend previous work to understand if inflation inequality matters for aggregate monetary policy response by using a quantitative model similar to Kaplan, Moll, and Violante to investigate how the joint-distribution between inflation rates and wealth (liquid and illiquid) matter for aggregate monetary policy response. Also, while inflation inequality between income groups and individuals differs over time, this work also seeks to uncover whether dispersion has increased, following income inequality trends. Nielsen Homescan consumer panel data will be used to measure household’s nondurable consumption.


Former Steering Committee

Heather Boushey

Washington Center for Equitable Growth

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Jenn Round

Rutgers University

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Hana Shepherd

Rutgers University

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Peter Ganong

University of Chicago

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David Dorn

University of Zurich

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