Topic Fiscal Policy

Congress plays an important role in combatting recessions and supporting economic growth. The money it sends to families, workers, businesses, and communities softens the toll of recessions. Well-designed fiscal policies boost income and employment for all Americans. Equitable Growth works to improve our understanding of different fiscal policies, including how they can reduce the pain of economic downturns, reduce inequality, and support growth.

Featured Work


Factsheet: Is the U.S. economy in a recession, and how does recession dating work?

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

How to stop a recession by strengthening income supports in the United States

FamiliesTax & MacroeconomicsLabor

Why the Inflation Reduction Act is key to strong, broad-based U.S. economic growth

Inequality & MobilityFamiliesTax & Macroeconomics
Equitable Economy

Why the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is good economics

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
Equitable Recovery

Fiscal austerity intensifies the increase in inequality after pandemics

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
Coronavirus Recession

The coronavirus recession highlights the importance of automatic stabilizers

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Explore Content in Fiscal Policy138


Doubling down on cuts to the IRS is bad for the federal budget and for tax fairness in the United States

Tax & Macroeconomics

Request for proposals: Research grants for early career scholars

CompetitionLaborTax & MacroeconomicsFamiliesInequality & Mobility

Employment scarring research suggests benefits for aggressive U.S. fiscal policy in response to recessions

Tax & Macroeconomics
working paper

The New Economics of Industrial Policy

Tax & Macroeconomics

The role of private equity in the U.S. economy, and whether and how favorable tax policies for the sector need to be reformed

Tax & Macroeconomics

Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Implications of Wage Rigidity

Tax & MacroeconomicsLabor

Designing Climate Adaptation Funding Portfolios for Equity and Efficiency

Tax & Macroeconomics

What monetary and fiscal policy can tell us about the U.S. recovery from the COVID-19 recession

Tax & Macroeconomics

Money for nothing: The Qualified Small Business Stock capital gains exclusion is a giveaway to wealthy investors, startup founders, and their employees

Tax & Macroeconomics

Seven ways the inflation debate in the United States has changed since last year and how the Fed can now recalibrate its monetary policy

Tax & MacroeconomicsLabor

Why measuring inflation is surprisingly challenging

Tax & Macroeconomics

Summary of Equitable Growth’s March ‘Econ 101’ briefing on inflation for Capitol Hill staffers

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
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