Value Added – A blog

Our blog is the place where our staff and guest bloggers present clear, fact-based posts that make the connections between economic inequality and growth for the broad policy community and journalists based on the latest academic research.

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Should-read: Alessandro Nicita, Marcelo Olarreaga, and Peri da Silva: A trade war will increase average tariffs by 32 percentage points


Trump’s advisors recognize that his China tariff strategy calls for… What might you call it? A “Trans-Pacific Partnership”, perhaps?


The rise of the Roman Empire was not due to wild dissipative partying: A.W. Lintott (1972): Imperial expansion and moraldsecline in the Roman republic


If you did not read this a year and a half ago, go read it now: Emmanuel Saez (2016): Taxing the rich more—evidence from the 2013 federal tax increase


Imposing tariffs on intermediate inputs is especially bad: Chad Brown: The element of surprise is a bad strategy for a trade war


We are not yet at maximum feasible employment: Jared Bernstein: Employment breakeven levels: They’re higher than most of us thought


Without short selling, the current price of a speculative asset is the expected maximum valuation that will ever be given it by the non-forward looking: Noah Smith: Lessons on bubbles from Bitcoin


@#$#@!*&%%!! Ana Swanson: Trump proposes rejoining Trans-Pacific Partnership to shield farmers from trade war


Rescue the Republican Party by turning Republicans into New Deal Democrats?: Geoffrey Kabaservice: The dream of a Republican New Deal