Value Added – A blog

Our blog is the place where our staff and guest bloggers present clear, fact-based posts that make the connections between economic inequality and growth for the broad policy community and journalists based on the latest academic research.

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We call them “AI”, but that confuses and distracts us: Michael Jordan: Artificial Intelligence—The revolution hasn’t happened yet


Post-1500 Ottoman retardation and chronic plague?: Ulysse Colonna: Infectious, elegant and maybe wrong: Sketch for an explanation of the long divergence


Weekend reading: “tax day” edition


Trump is making more things wrong with Kansas: Joshua Green: Chinese sorghum tariffs will hit hard in Trump-friendly Kansas


Why are such smart authors playing such small ball?: Abigail Wozniak and Jay Shambaugh: Why we need to help kids go to college wherever they want


More evidence minimum wage laws blunt employer monopsony: Kevin Rinz and John Voorheis: The distributional effects of minimum wages


How inequalities of wealth matter for consumption

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics

Our Press corps appears to annoy FRBM head: Neel Kashkari: The extreme emotions around the labor market


Out of the frying pan into the fire: Government as the problem in the 1970s and 1980s: Martin Feldstein (1979): Introduction to the American economy in transition