Inequality at home: The evolution of class-based gaps in young children’s home environments and pre-school age skills from 1986 to 2012

Grant Type: academic

Grant Year: 2014

Grant Amount: $97,860, co-funded with the Russell Sage Foundation

Grant description:

Researchers increasingly point out the importance of a child’s early years for the development of skills that will help them succeed later in life. Much of this scholarship focuses on the importance of cognitive skills, such as reading, but the development of non-cognitive skills, such as motivation and interpersonal skills, is also critical. These five researchers will look at how inequality across home environments affects the development of these non-cognitive skills. This channel could have major consequences for the life prospects of children, as economic inequality across families may be magnified for the next generation. Understanding these differences is vital to improving the prospects for disadvantaged children and the growth prospects for our economy.

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