Value Added – A blog

Our blog is the place where our staff and guest bloggers present clear, fact-based posts that make the connections between economic inequality and growth for the broad policy community and journalists based on the latest academic research.

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Weekend reading: “One inequality measure to rule them all?” edition


Equitable Growth’s Jobs Day Graphs: August 2017 Report Edition

Born Under a Lucky Star: Financial Aid, College Completion, Labor Supply, and Credit Constraints">

Born Under a Lucky Star: Financial Aid, College Completion, Labor Supply, and Credit Constraints">Should-Read: Jeffrey T. Denning: Born Under a Lucky Star: Financial Aid, College Completion, Labor Supply, and Credit Constraints

The financial crisis, ten years on">

The financial crisis, ten years on">Should-Read: Stephen Cecchetti and Kim Schoenholtz: The financial crisis, ten years on


Must-Read: Ben Thompson: Google and The New America Foundation, Google’s Monopoly, Google’s Stupidity


When the next recession hits, how will fiscal stimulus affect government debt sustainability?

Tax & Macroeconomics

Should-Read: Charlie Stross: Houston: what are the long-term consequences?


Should-Read: Noah Smith: There’s Something the Matter With Ohio Too


How would homebuyers respond to a less generous U.S. mortgage interest deduction?

Tax & Macroeconomics