Must-Read: Avik Roy: Take Two: Inside Bill Cassidy’s Plan To Replace Obamacare

Must-Read: There are, as is always the case these days, a lot of misrepresentations and evasions in Avik Roy’s latest on health care “reform”.

But there is one nugget of important truth. Here it is:

Avik Roy: Take Two: Inside Bill Cassidy’s Plan To Replace Obamacare: “Because Graham-Cassidy repeals Obamacare’s individual mandate, and the Congressional Budget Office views the individual mandate as driving the majority of Obamacare’s coverage expansion, the CBO is likely to view Graham-Cassidy the same way it has viewed other GOP bills…”

That means that when the CBO’s assessment of GC is completed, it will show something like:

  • 22 million on net losing insurance for the first public draft of BCRA;
  • 19 million on net losing insurance for the February draft of the AHCA;
  • 24 million on net losing insurance for the March draft of the AHCA; and
  • 23 million on net losing insurance for the House-passed version of the AHCA.

Even Avik Roy says so. And when even he is making an admission against interest rather than evading and obfuscating, you can take it to the bank.

September 19, 2017


Brad DeLong
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