The macro-effects of unemployment insurance: A simulation-based discontinuity design approach

Grant Type: academic

Grant Year: 2018

Grant Amount: $41,087

Grant description:

Unemployment insurance was expanded several times during the Great Recession and its aftermath, with the maximum duration reaching up to 99 weeks in some states. Researchers have been debating the macroeconomic impact of those expansions on unemployment and employment, but little research exists on the macroeconomic effects of previous expansions. This project will fill this gap by looking at unemployment benefit expansions going back to 1976. Similar to previous research, the researchers will use “trigger notices” from the U.S. Department of Labor to see when programs were turned on. Their methodology, however, differs from previous research because rather than depending upon measurement error in the unemployment rate, their method allows them to look at the impacts when a program has multiple triggers. The researchers will then compare the effects of expansions during the Great Recession to previous expansions.

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