Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do About It (Invitation only)

On September 18, the Washington Center for Equitable Growth hosted an installment of our Research on Tap conversation series—a space for drinks, dialogue, and debate—to celebrate the release of Equitable Growth President and CEO Heather Boushey’s book, Unbound: How Inequality Constricts Our Economy and What We Can Do About It. Boushey was joined by professors Sandra Black (Columbia University) and Atif Mian (Princeton University) and Angela Hanks (Groundwork Collaborative) for a conversation moderated by Binyamin Appelbaum (The New York Times) about how inequality obstructs, subverts, and distorts our economy and how policymakers can promote economic growth that is strong, stable, and broadly shared.
Sandra Black, Professor of economics and international and public affairs, Columbia University and Former Member, Council of Economic Advisers
Heather Boushey, President and CEO, Washington Center for Equitable Growth
Angela Hanks, Deputy executive director of Groundwork Collaborative
Atif Mian, Professor of economics, public policy, and finance, Princeton University
Binyamin Appelbaum (moderator), Editorial Board Member, The New York Times
Discussion highlighted the new consensus emerging in academia, which argues reducing inequality is not only fair but also key to delivering broadly shared economic growth and stability. Discussion points included:
- Do we have to choose between equality and prosperity?
- What have we learned about the impact of inequality on economic growth?
- What does an economy that delivers strong, stable, and broadly shared growth look like, and what can policymakers do to get us there?
- What does equitable economic growth mean for the future?
This event was invitation only.
View a recording of the event below:
If you have any questions, please contact events@equitablegrowth.org
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