Can This Capitalism Be Saved?

Robert reich saving capitalism Google Search

Here is piece of mine left on the cutting room floor elsewhere. So I might as well throw it up here.

Reviewing: Robert Reich: Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few

Robert Reich’s Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few is an excellent book. It powerfully argues that America needs once again—as it truthfully reminds us that we did four times in the past—restructure its institutions to build both private and public countervailing power against the monopolists and their political servants in order to right the distribution of income and boost the pace of economic growth.

Reich wants to remind us Americans of our strong record of “expanding the circle of prosperity when capitalism gets off track.” We have in our past no fewer than four times built up countervailing power to curb the ability of those controlling last generation’s wealth and this generation’s politics to tune institutions, property rights, and policy to their station. This repeated, deliberate construction of countervailing power kept America a high-wage economy—the world’s highest-wage economy, in fact—for ordinary (white, male) guys.

Until now.

Thus Reich wants us here in America to fix our future by recalling our past.

The first piece of our past Reich wants us to remember is Andrew Jackson’s Age: the period starting in 1828 when America removed:

accrued unwarranted privileges… [keeping] average citizens… [from] gain[ing] ground…. The Jacksonians sought to abolish property requirements for voting and allow business firms to incorporate without specific acts of the legislature, and they opposed the Second Bank of the United States, which they believed would be controlled by financial elites. They did not reject capitalism; they rejected aristocracy. They sought a capitalism that would improve the lot of ordinary people rather than merely the elites…

In what may be the only favorable citation of Roger B. Taney I will see in this decade, Reich remembers not the Supreme Court Chief Justice of the late 1850s but the Attorney General of the early 1830s. He remembers the Taney of:

It is a fixed principle of our political institutions to guard against the unnecessary accumulation of power over persons and property in any hands. And no hands are less worthy to be trusted with it than those of a moneyed corporation…

Yes, Reich says, that Taney shared the same body with the Taney who wrote the opinion in Dred Scott vs. Sanford: Jacksonians believed that no laws that endowed the Cherokee or other native Americans with any property whatsoever should be enforced, and that no African American—slave or free—had any “rights which the white man was bound to respect” at all. But in Reich’s the Jacksonian Revolution prevented America’s drift toward a more English form of political-economic organization, in which restrictions on westward migration coupled with political grants of economic monopoly rights lead to a lower-wage economy.

Of course, that drift came after the Civil War, with the coming of the Gilded Age and then of the second piece of history that Reich wants us to remember: the 1901-1916 Progressive Era of Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson as a response to Gilded Age inequality and political corruption of the system. The response to the Great Depression took the form of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s 1933-1939 New Deal and the partial construction of the great arch of American social democracy, which was then extended with Lyndon Johnson’s 1964-1966 three-part legislative program of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the 1965 Medicare Act.

All of these, Reich argues, show that:

We need not be victims of impersonal “market forces” over which we have no control. The market is a human creation… based on rules that human beings devise. The central question is who shapes those rules and for what purpose…. The coming challenge is not to technology or to economics. It is a challenge to democracy. The critical debate for the future is not about the size of government; it is about whom government is for. The central choice is not between the “free market” and government; it is between a market organized for broadly based prosperity and one designed to deliver almost all the gains to a few at the top… how to design the rules of the market so that the economy generates what most people would consider a fair distribution on its own, without necessitating large redistributions after the fact…

The key for Reich is the proper construction of institutions that provide, in a phrase he borrows from John Kenneth Galbraith, countervailing power to that power over political-economic arrangements provided by the oligarchic inheritance of last generation’s wealth and the oligarchic building up of political influence.

We today see a much gloomier future–at least a much gloomier economic future than the one 2006 seemed to offer us. Lower asset returns and lower profit opportunities. Greater “headwinds”. Slowed technological progress. Slower growth in living standards. More income and wealth inequality. A political economy chained by ideological propaganda in which making good win-win policies has gone out the window.

Reich sees this context, and so he writes to remind us that we have successfully dealt with the problems of creating institutions to support equitable and inclusive growth before. But his book seems more cheerleading than sober assessment. It feels to me like an optimism of the will. But when I look around me, the reality I see seems to weigh heavily on the side of a pessimism of the intellect–in economic affairs, at least.

A Plea for Some Sympathy for Repentant Left Neoliberals…


As always, when the extremely sharp Danny Rodrick stuffs a book-length argument into an 800-word op-ed column, phrases acti as gestures toward what are properly chapter-long arguments. So there is lots to talk about.

Must-Read: Dani Rodrik: The Abdication of the Left: “This backlash was predictable…

…Hyper-globalization in trade and finance, intended to create seamlessly integrated world markets, tore domestic societies apart. The bigger surprise is the decidedly right-wing tilt the political reaction has taken. In Europe, it is predominantly nationalists and nativist populists that have risen to prominence, with the left advancing only in a few places such as Greece and Spain…. As an emerging new establishment consensus grudgingly concedes, globalization accentuates class divisions between those who have the skills and resources to take advantage of global markets and those who don’t. Income and class cleavages, in contrast to identity cleavages based on race, ethnicity, or religion, have traditionally strengthened the political left. So why has the left been unable to mount a significant political challenge to globalization?

I think that this paragraph above is largely wrong.

As the very sharp Patrick Iber tweeted somewhere, the usual response to economic distress in democracies with broad franchises is: “Throw the bastards out!” Consider the Great Depression: Labour collapses in Britain in 1931. The Republicans collapse in the U.S. in 1932. And in Germany… shudder. And it is now 1 2/3 centuries since Alexis de Tocqueville wrote:

Alexis de Tocqueville: Recollections: “I woke very early in the morning…

…I heard a sharp, metallic sound, which shook the window-panes and immediately died out amid the silence of Paris. ‘What is that?’ I asked. My wife replied, ‘It is the cannon; I have heard it for over an hour, but would not wake you, for I knew you would want your strength during the day.’ I dressed hurriedly….

Thousands of men were hastening to our aid from every part of France, and entering the city by all the roads not commanded by the insurgents. Thanks to the railroads, some had already come from fifty leagues’ distance, although the fighting had only begun the night before. On the next and the subsequent days, they came from distances of a hundred and two hundred leagues. These men belonged indiscriminately to every class of society; among them were many peasants, many shopkeepers, many landlords and nobles, all mingled together in the same ranks. They were armed in an irregular and insufficient manner, but they rushed into Paris with unequalled ardour: a spectacle as strange and unprecedented in our revolutionary annals as that offered by the insurrection itself. It was evident from that moment that we should end by gaining the day, for the insurgents received no reinforcements, whereas we had all France for reserves.

On the Place Louis XV, I met, surrounded by the armed inhabitants of his canton, my kinsman Lepelletier d’Aunay, who was Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies during the last days of the Monarchy. He wore neither uniform nor musket, but only a little silver-hilted sword which he had slung at his side over his coat by a narrow white linen bandolier. I was touched to tears on seeing this venerable white-haired man thus accoutred. ‘Won’t you come and dine with us this evening?’ ‘No, no,’ he replied; ‘what would these good folk who are with me, and who know that I have more to lose than they by the victory of the insurrection—what would they say if they saw me leaving them to take it easy? No, I will share their repast and sleep here at their bivouac. The only thing I would beg you is, if possible, to hurry the despatch of the provision of bread promised us, for we have had no food since morning’…

It was in June 1849 that the depression-driven insurrection of the urban craftworker proletariat of Paris was suppressed—bloodily suppressed—by a largely spontaneous mass mobilization of those of the Ile de France who thought that they had something to lose from further revolution. They might see what little property they had confiscated and redistributed to the unemployed slackers of the city—to the urban “dangerous classes”. They might be taxed to pay for the reopening of the National Workshops that were to provide a guarantee of employment for those who could not find other jobs. They might see worse—their friends arrested for insufficient enthusiasm for revolution, or their priests and their hope of heaven taken away. For all these reasons they shifted rightward, voted for a firm nationalist authoritarian hand on the government, and voted for Louis Bonaparte first as President of the Second French Republic and then as Emperor Napoleon III of the Second French Empire.

The belief that economic distress leads democratic politics to shift left is, I think, in general wrong. It leads democratic politics to shift away from the establishment, whatever the establishment is. It can move left—as in FDR’s America and in France with Leon Blum and the Front Populaire. It can move right—as in France in 1849 and in the early stages of the Great Depression, as in Britain in 1931 and 2010, as in the U.S. in 2010, and as in, ahem, Germany…

Dani continues:

One answer is that immigration has overshadowed other globalization ‘shocks.’… Latin American democracies provide a telling contrast. These countries experienced globalization mostly as a trade and foreign-investment shock, rather than as an immigration shock. Globalization became synonymous with so-called Washington Consensus policies and financial opening. Immigration from the Middle East or Africa remained limited and had little political salience. So the populist backlash in Latin America—in Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, and, most disastrously, Venezuela – took a left-wing form…

Well, no: as I said, a form that was primarily antiestablishment. In Latin America, the establishment had bought into the relatively center-right Washington Consensus. In Europe, the establishment had bought into the relatively center-left continent-wide social market. Only where, as Dani says, the European establishment comes to be perceived as centered around Berlin’s ordoliberalism rather than around Brussel’s social market is their space for distress to push politics left.

Then, I think, Dani firmly grasps the correct thread:

A greater weakness of the left [is] the absence of a clear program to refashion capitalism and globalization for the twenty-first century…. The left has failed to come up with ideas that are economically sound and politically popular, beyond ameliorative policies such as income transfers. Economists and technocrats on the left bear a large part of the blame. Instead of contributing to such a program, they abdicated too easily to market fundamentalism and bought in to its central tenets.

In retrospect, who can disagree? We misjudged the proper balance between state and market, between command-and-control and market-incentive roads to social democratic ends.

But then I must, again, dissent in part. Dani:

Worse still, [Economists and technocrats on the left] led the hyper-globalization movement at crucial junctures. The enthroning of free capital mobility—especially of the short-term kind—as a policy norm by the European Union, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the IMF was arguably the most fateful decision for the global economy in recent decades. As Harvard Business School professor Rawi Abdelal has shown, this effort was spearheaded in the late 1980s and early 1990s not by free-market ideologues, but by French technocrats such as Jacques Delors (at the European Commission) and Henri Chavranski (at the OECD), who were closely associated with the Socialist Party in France. Similarly, in the US, it was technocrats associated with the more Keynesian Democratic Party, such as Lawrence Summers, who led the charge for financial deregulation. France’s Socialist technocrats appear to have concluded from the failed Mitterrand experiment with Keynesianism in the early 1980s that domestic economic management was no longer possible, and that there was no real alternative to financial globalization. The best that could be done was to enact Europe-wide and global rules, instead of allowing powerful countries like Germany or the US to impose their own.

And here I whimper.

Financial globalization was intended to take down barriers to capital inflows erected by rent-seekers in developing countries, and so speed growth in economies that had been starved of capital while also equalizing incomes. Financial deregulation was supposed to break up the cozy investment banking and other oligarchies of Wall Street and diminish their private-sector tax on the American economy. Financial deregulation was supposed to provide the poorer half of America with the access to fairly priced credit that it lacked and with the opportunity to invest in assets that would yield equity-class returns, which it also lacked. And, in a world in which central banks had the powers and the will to successfully stabilize aggregate demand, there seemed little downside to letting people who could not put together a 20% down payment buy a house, to forcing Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs to deal with competition from Citigroup and Bank of America, and to allow entrepreneurs in Mexico to raise funds not just from a cozy oligarchy of Mexico City banks but on the global capital market.

And France’s socialist technocrats were right: in highly-open economies the task of managing aggregate demand has to be a global, or at least a North Atlantic-wide, or at least a continent-wide exercise. In a good world, large exchange rate changes should only take place in response to persistent fundamental disequilibria rather than being used as first-line tools for demand management.

It all did go horribly wrong. But the restriction of the ECB to an inflation-control mandate alone was never a policy plank of the left—and all on the left assumed that the technocrats of the ECB were not stupid enough to take the single mandate as more than cheap talk to reassure bond markets in good times. And the decision by money-center banks to use derivative markets not to diversify but to concentrate housing-price risk on their own balance sheets did not happen on our watch.

And then I must dissent again. Dani’s penultimate paragraph is, I think, much too optimistic:

The good news is that the intellectual vacuum on the left is being filled, and there is no longer any reason to believe in the tyranny of ‘no alternatives.’ Politicians on the left have less and less reason not to draw on ‘respectable’ academic firepower in economics…. Anat Admati and Simon Johnson have advocated radical banking reforms; Thomas Piketty and Tony Atkinson have proposed a rich menu of policies to deal with inequality at the national level; Mariana Mazzucato and Ha-Joon Chang have written insightfully on how to deploy the public sector to foster inclusive innovation; Joseph Stiglitz and José Antonio Ocampo have proposed global reforms; Brad DeLong, Jeffrey Sachs, and Lawrence Summers (the very same!) have argued for long-term public investment in infrastructure and the green economy. There are enough elements here for building a programmatic economic response from the left.

Here I agree, rather, with something Keynes wrote in 1933:

John Maynard Keynes (1933): On Trotsky: “We lack more than usual a coherent scheme of progress, a tangible ideal…

…All the political parties alike have their origins in past ideas and not in new ideas and none more conspicuously so than the Marxists…. No one has a gospel. The next move is with the head…

The problem is that our current policy agenda is too much “do it again!”, where “it” is “Keynesianism, social democracy, the welfare state.” And I believe we need more I think Dani gets it right when he notes:

The right thrives on deepening divisions in society—‘us’ versus ‘them’—while the left, when successful, overcomes these cleavages through reforms that bridge them…

But when he says:

Earlier waves of reforms from the left—Keynesianism, social democracy, the welfare state—both saved capitalism from itself and effectively rendered themselves superfluous…

he is both right and wrong: the earlier waves did save capitalism from itself, but they only rendered themselves apparently superfluous during the Years of Global Convergence and the Years of the Great Moderation. They are not superfluous. We need them. And we need more. For Dani is right to close:

Absent such a response again, the field will be left wide open for populists and far-right groups, who will lead the world—as they always have—to deeper division and more frequent conflict.

Must-Read: Duncan Black: Sometimes We Get Results

Must-Read: Duncan Black: Sometimes We Get Results: “Or, at least, play a part…

…Aside from yay team, it’s important to remember that this isn’t just some ideological thing, though it is that, too. It’s a recognition that the retirement crisis is here and it’s very real. I’d say there’s a broad enough consensus (does not include zombie-eyed granny starvers) that however we get to the goal, society should be structured in such a way that the vast majority of people hit retirement age with some economic stability. The current system has not done that, and whatever Exciting New Ideas we can come up with for the ideal retirement program (obviously I’m partial to plans which rhyme with brocial maturity), we have a crop of people in retirement or entering retirement soon who have no hope of coming up with that kind of post-retirement income stream. The only way to keep them off the streets, or for the lucky few working them until they die, is to provide non-trivial across the board benefit increases. And if you’re worried Donald Trump’s Social Security payment is too large (none of them are very large, so worrying about this is silly and the only people who claim to worry about such things are just using it as an excuse to not help anyone), you can just increase tax rates on rich people. That’s the easy way to means testing, and how a progressive tax system is supposed to work.

David Dayen: The Real Story Behind Obama’s Radical U-turn on Social Security: “The initial impulse from the Obama administration was to use Social Security cuts as a bargaining chip in a larger deal with Republicans…

…Grand bargain talks from 2011 to 2013 repeatedly invoked a different way to calculate the consumer price index (known as ‘chained CPI’), which would have resulted in $1,000 less a year for the average 85-year-old. Obama put chained CPI in his fiscal year 2014 budget. Contrary to some after-the-fact snickering, this was a very credible threat, and it allowed Republicans to point to a Democratic president favoring entitlement cuts. Only the Tea Party’s unwillingness to consider anything resembling a compromise saved retirees from cuts.

At first, liberal groups played defense on chained CPI, accustomed to mobilizing in opposition rather than staking out a bolder claim. But the expansion movement can really be traced back to one blogger: Duncan Black, popularly known as ‘Atrios,’ who waged an initially lonely crusade in a series of 2012 columns in USA Today, explaining why the retirement crisis was coming and how expanding Social Security represented the cleanest solution. Eventually, Black found adherents. The New America Foundation, in a groundbreaking proposal, called for an entirely new, $11,000-a-year universal benefit on top of Social Security. By mid-2013, most major liberal groups adopted an old bill from former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin to modestly expand Social Security with more generous cost-of-living increases that better reflect rising medical costs for seniors. By 2014, chained CPI was out of the president’s budget. The reason Social Security expansion was a wedge issue waiting to be wielded is that it’s massively popular….

Now President Obama, who started this all by embracing the opposite position years ago, has explicitly endorsed the expansion of Social Security. This victory is a great credit to Duncan Black and everyone who moved a minority opinion in the corridors of power in the Democratic Party into the mainstream. There are wildly varying ways to claim support for Social Security expansion, ones that are modest and ones that are disruptive. But before the question, even among Democrats, was how much to cut Social Security; now the question is how much to expand it…. Politically, Republicans know that Social Security cuts equal political death. The same was true of opposition to same-sex marriage, which is why most of the GOP caucus just stopped talking about it. The path to Social Security expansion can’t go through the courts the way marriage equality did, and it will take a lot more work. But the center-left, in Washington and in the country, is on board. And that is a testament to the power of taking a stand and not relenting. Eventually, the world might just swing your way.

Must-Read: Thomas Piketty: Change Europe, Now

Must-Read: Thomas Piketty (2015): Change Europe, Now: “The extreme right has risen from 15% to 30% of the votes in France…

…unemployment and xenophobia, extreme disappointment with the left in power, the feeling that everything has been tried and that something else must be experimented… disastrous management of the financial crisis…. Only a democratic and social re-founding of the Euro zone, based on growth and employment, round a small core of countries prepared to move forward and provide themselves with appropriate political institutions, would enable us to counter the temptation to revert to nationalism and hatred which today threatens the whole of Europe….

It is important that the European leaders—in particular the French and the German—acknowledge their mistakes. We can discuss endlessly all sorts of reforms, both big and small, to be carried out in the various Euro zone countries: shop-opening hours, bus lanes, labour markets, retirement pensions, etc. Some are useful, others less so. But… this is not the reason for the sudden fall in GDP in the Euro zone in 2011-2013…. Recovery was stifled by the over-rapid endeavour to reduce the deficits in 2011-2013—with in particular rises in taxation in France which were much too heavy…. The application of blind fiscal rules… explains why in 2015 the GDP of the Euro zone has still not recovered its 2007 level….

As a first step, all the debts of more than 60% of GDP could be placed in a common fund, with a moratorium on repayments until each country has recovered a strong growth trajectory since 2007. All historical experiences show that above a certain level, it makes no sense to repay debts for decades. It is better to ease the burden clearly so as to invest in growth, including from the creditors’ point of view…. New democratic governance… the setting up of a Euro-zone parliament comprising members from the national parliaments in proportion to the population of each country. This Euro-zone Parliamentary Chamber should also be entrusted with the voting of a common corporate tax… [to] enable the financing of an investment plan in infrastructures and universities…. Europe has all the assets required to offer the best social model in the world. Let’s stop squandering our opportunities…. Before coming to plan B, proposed by the extreme Right and which the extreme Left is increasingly tempted to invoke, let’s start by giving a fully-fledged plan A a genuine chance.

Must-Read: Patrick Iber and Mike Konczal: Karl Polanyi for President

Must-Read: Patrick Iber and Mike Konczal: Karl Polanyi for President: “Today, Polanyian arguments are once again in the air…

…Polanyi’s work… show[s] that markets are planned everywhere they exist… always the result of the state…. A pure free-market society is a utopian project, and impossible to realize, because people will resist the process of being turned into commodities. In fact, he calls labor a ‘fictitious commodity,’ along with land and money….

The drive for laissez-faire inevitably produces a protective countermovement that insists on shelter from the damaging effects of the market…. If markets are interfering with other social priorities (like democracy, for example), or producing bad outcomes, you can change the rules that govern what parts of society operate with what kinds of markets…

Must-read: Thomas Piketty: “A New Deal for Europe”

Must-Read: Thomas Piketty: A New Deal for Europe: “Only a genuine social and democratic refounding of the eurozone…

…designed to encourage growth and employment, arrayed around a small core of countries willing to lead by example and develop their own new political institutions, will be sufficient to counter the hateful nationalistic impulses that now threaten all Europe. Last summer, in the aftermath of the Greek fiasco, French President François Hollande had begun to revive on his own initiative the idea of a new parliament for the eurozone. Now France must present a specific proposal for such a parliament to its leading partners and reach a compromise. Otherwise the agenda is going to be monopolized by the countries that have opted for national isolationism—the United Kingdom and Poland among them…

Must-Read: Miriam Ronzoni: Where Are the Power Relations in Piketty’s Capital?

Must-Read: The extremely-sharp Miriam Ronzoni excellently puts her finger on a substantial hole in Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century.

Piketty starts, I think, from the observation that the French Second Empire and Third Republic–extraordinarily egalitarian in politics for white native-born males either as equal subjects of the Bonaparte dynasty or equal citizens of the Republic–were extraordinarily unfriendly to egalitarian economic measures. And, in addition, capital was able to adjust and rig the system of property rights in order to neutralize the forces of supply and demand that economists see as naturally making a high-capital economy a low-profit rate economy. Piketty strongly believes that a non-plutocratic society requires a low level of r-g, a low level of the difference between the profit rate r and the growth rate g. With r fixed save in times of societal catastrophe by the hegemonic power of capital even in political democracies, escape from plutocracy this hinges on boosting g, on a higher overall economic growth rate.

But, Ronzoni points out, this fatalistic analytical conclusion by Piketty has no impact on his suggested political strategy. A trust in Habermasian discourse and in the effectiveness of mobilization for social democracy appears out of thin air–both in the later pages of Piketty’s text, and in his post-publication career as a public intellectual. It’s not even “pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will”. It’s simply a disconnect:

Miriam Ronzoni: Where Are the Power Relations in Piketty’s Capital?: “My concern about Piketty’s proposal is that there seems to be a friction…

…between the diagnosis offered in the rest of the book (which seems to draw a rather bleak picture of the power of capital in the early 21st century) and the suggested cure (which seems to rely on the optimistic hope that, once well-minded citizens will have recognized the problem, the only hurdle will be to find the right policy to fix it)…. Piketty seems to hold on to a social-democratic [political] optimism… whereas his findings seem to push him in a different direction…. [By] ‘social-democratic optimism’ I mean… optimism about the role of policies and institutions in taming capital… [plus] the persuasion that… politics is fundamentally about is making citizens understand… and then they will be persuaded to do the right thing…

Must-Read: Jeffry Frieden: ‘The Money Makers,’ by Eric Rauchway

Must-Read: Few people today realize the extent to which the New Deal was not ideological or theoretical but rather their opposites: pragmatic. And where the New Deal was ideological or theoretical, it tended to be the least successful–witness Thurman Arnold and utilities, or Roosevelt’s austerian turn in 1937-1938:

Jeffry Frieden: ‘The Money Makers,’ by Eric Rauchway: “In 2008, the international economy came within weeks of catastrophic collapse…

…Concerted action by the world’s monetary authorities staved off disaster. Although stagnation continues to plague much of the globe, especially Europe, a major depression was avoided. The world was not so lucky in 1929…. The policies of the world’s major governments helped turn the recession that began in 1929 into a full-fledged depression…. [But[ the sooner countries left the gold standard in the 1930s, the more quickly their economies rebounded. Britain went off gold in September 1931, followed by most of the rest of the world. America’s path out of the Depression was slowed by the Hoover administration’s gold-standard orthodoxy. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, he almost immediately took the United States off gold and devalued the dollar. The result, as Rauchway shows, was a robust recovery. By 1936, the world had left gold behind. For the next 10 years, even as war clouds gathered and then as war raged, American and British policy makers, led by John Maynard Keynes and the United States Treasury official Harry Dexter White, planned a new international monetary order…. Rauchway tells this important story with passion, intelligence and style….

The major players come alive in ‘The Money Makers.’ Rauchway’s archival research gives depth to Roosevelt and Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau Jr., showing that both men understood the economic and political implications of their monetary policies, even if they were uninterested in the theoretical foundations for them that Keynes and others were building. The book also gives great detail about the practical involvement of the two principal economists involved, Keynes and White. Rauchway places the political context front and center, especially in addressing the issue of White’s contacts with Soviet agents…. Perhaps today’s policy makers — especially contemporary advocates of orthodox austerity sitting in Berlin — can learn something from the story Eric Rauchway tells so well.”

Must-Read: Martin Feldstein: Chile’s Uncertain Future

Must-Read: Michelle Bachelet was a minister in the Chilean government–first Health, then Defense–from 2001-2005, and President of Chile over 2006-2010. So why this from Martin Feldstein?

Martin Feldstein: Chile’s Uncertain Future: “Chile’s excellent economic performance has been the result of the free-market policies introduced during the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet…

…but confirmed and strengthened by democratically elected governments over the 25 years since he left office. So, given the success and popularity of these policies, it is surprising that Chile’s voters have elected a president [i.e., Michelle Bachelet] and a parliament [i.e., led by her party] that many Chileans now fear could put this approach at risk…

Those “confirmed and strengthened… over the [past] 25 years” governments include the 2001-2005 government in which Michelle Bachelet was a minister and the 2006-2010 government in which she was President of Chile, no?

Unless you already knew that, you certainly wouldn’t learn it from Feldstein’s column.

And, in fact, at the end of the column Feldstein writes:

Bachelet’s critics agree that Chile… policies… [while she is president will have] an independent central bank committed to price stability, a free-trade regime with a floating currency, and a fiscal policy that will keep deficits and public debt low…

Huh?!?! What’s the problem?!