Who Weathers the Storm? The Unequal Effects of Hurricanes in the United States

Grant Type: academic

Grant Year: 2021

Grant Amount: $85,624

Grant description:

Understanding the degree to which, and how, hurricanes have had disparate effects across disadvantaged and advantaged groups in the United States is key to policymakers’ ability to craft climate policy that ensures disadvantaged communities do not bear the brunt of our warming world. Most of the literature in this area has focused on average impacts, with relatively little attention paid to heterogeneity. But even in cases where no negative impacts of natural disasters are found, on average, some subgroups may experience substantial negative effects. This project leverages newly linked administrative tax data from the IRS and demographic information from the American Community Survey and decennial census with exogenous variation in individual-level exposure to all hurricanes in the United States between 1995 and 2019. The analysis seeks to uncover a deeper understanding of the consequences of and responses to hurricanes, and how these effects differ across socioeconomic and demographic groups.

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