Must-Read: Paul Taylor: “We Skipped Elasticity Completely…”

Must-Read: Very flattering…

I must say: I don’t know how one would teach Econ 1 other than organizing it around the principles of (a) market success and (b) types of market failure…

Paul F Taylor: On Twitter:

Must-See: Ron Lee et al.: Do Millennials Stand a Chance? Giving the Next Generation a Fair Shot at a Prosperous Future

Must-See: Ron Lee, Hilary Hoynes, Henry Brady, Alex Gelber, Jesse Rothstein (November 18, 2015): Do Millennials Stand a Chance? Giving the Next Generation a Fair Shot at a Prosperous Future:

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 from 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM (PST) :: California Memorial Stadium :: 210 Stadium Rim Way