Should-Read: Scott Lemieux: But Where’s the Tort Reform?

Should-Read: Scott Lemieux: But Where’s the Tort Reform?: “Rand Paul, the true progressive alternative in the 2016 race…

…finally offers a blueprint for heathcare “reform”: What should we replace Obamacare with? Perhaps we should try freedom:

  1. The freedom to choose inexpensive insurance free of government dictates.
  2. The freedom to save unlimited amounts in a health savings account.
  3. The freedom to buy insurance across state lines.
  4. The freedom for all individuals to join together in voluntary associations to gain the leverage of being part of a large insurance pool.

Shorter Rand Paul:

Under the majestic equality of my law, the rich and poor alike will be able to save unlimited amounts of money to pay for health care, and healthy people and people with pre-existing conditions alike are welcome to try to purchase worthless insurance that meets the standards of the state that offers the fewest protections to consumers.

I can see why the GOP leadership prefers the “repeal and…look, it’s Halley’s Comet!” approach.

January 8, 2017


Brad DeLong
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