Should-Read: Matthew C Klein: Tarullo Exits Federal Reserve

Should-Read: This strikes me as a very bad move indeed.

Dan Tarullo is a much better Governor of the Federal Reserve than anyone I can imagine Donald Trump nominating in his place.

So why is he leaving?

It’s not as though the fact that Federal Reserve Governors are notionally appointed to fourteen-year terms is a secret…

Matthew C Klein: Tarullo Exits Federal Reserve “Daniel K. Tarullo submitted his resignation… as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, effective on or around April 5, 2017…

…Tarullo, 64, was appointed to the Board by President Obama for an unexpired term ending January 31, 2022…. Tarullo was the Fed’s point man on financial regulatory issues, although he was never confirmed to the role of Vice Chairman for Supervision and was often undermined by the Fed’s far more powerful General Counsel, who, as it happens, is also leaving. His departure adds to the two open spots on the Federal Reserve Board, which in principle is supposed to have seven members.

April 7, 2017


Brad DeLong
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