Should-Read: Kevin Drum: Paul Ryan Isn’t Even Trying to Pass a Health Care Bill Anymore

Should-Read: Kevin Drum: Paul Ryan Isn’t Even Trying to Pass a Health Care Bill Anymore: “They just want to be able to tell their base that they tried…

…And President Trump wants to erase the taste of defeat…. If House Republicans were serious, they’d engage with the health care industry. They haven’t. If they were serious they’d care about the CBO score. They don’t. If they were serious they’d be crafting a bill that could pass Senate reconciliation rules. They aren’t even trying. If Senate Republicans were serious they’d be weighing in with a bill of their own. They aren’t wasting their time.

In the beginning, I think Paul Ryan really did want to pass something…. But he’s given up on that. At this point he just wants a piece of paper that gets 218 votes and demonstrates that the Republican caucus isn’t hopelessly inept. He knows it will be DOA in the Senate, but at least it will get health care off his plate once and for all…

May 3, 2017


Brad DeLong
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