Should-Read: Chris Hayes: On escaping the “doom loop” of Trump’s presidency
Should-Read: Chris Hayes: On escaping the “doom loop” of Trump’s presidency: “I tend to think of it in terms of my own behavior…
…Like, what am I going to do? How am I going to avoid the doom loop? My whole approach to the Trump era is to act as if reality matters, facts matter, the basic political gravity of whether you make people’s lives better or worse matters, rigorous thinking, nonconspiratorial thinking, logical skepticism — all of these things, these principles I hold as a journalist, as a thinker, as a writer, as a citizen, they all matter. Act as if that’s the case, even with the knowledge they may not.
I don’t know if in the end they will matter, but I can’t figure out how to conduct myself in my life or in my work if they don’t…