Should-Read: Ben Thompson: Breaking Down the Father on BBC Being Interrupted by His Children

Should-Read: Ben Thompson: Breaking Down the Father on BBC Being Interrupted by His Children: “There seemed to be a special resonance to this clip of a father in South Korea…

…commenting on the removal of once-President Park Geun-hye, only to be interrupted on live TV by his kids breaking into his home office. If I might say so myself, I am uniquely qualified to break this video down: I’ve been on TV from a home office, I have children, and, crucially, I am a man (who like Robert E Kelly, our protagonist, lives in Asia)….

I tweeted today, “There but for the Grace of God Go I”. You know what though? Being Professor Kelly seems like a pretty good gig: a nice house, a nice look, an irrepressible daughter, a shockingly mobile baby, and a wife that will do anything to help him succeed.

Plus he gets to be on the BBC.

March 13, 2017


Brad DeLong
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