Brad DeLong
Brad DeLong

Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Brad DeLong is a former guest blogger at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth. He is also a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, a research associate of the NBER, and a fellow of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and was from 1993-1995 a deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He teaches economic history, macroeconomics, economic growth, and occasionally finance, political economy, and principles of economics. He writes, mostly, about the changing nature of the business cycle, the mainsprings of economic growth, the current economy in historical perspective, and the past economy in contemporary perspective.  He received his B.A. in social studies and Ph.D. in economics, both from Harvard University.

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Authored By Brad DeLong

Beliefs about Brexit">

Beliefs about Brexit">Should-Read: Simon Wren-Lewis: Beliefs about Brexit

“A strong, fully employed economy

“A strong, fully employed economyShould-Read: Lawrence Summers: “A strong, fully employed economy

We… would be delighted by… lift[ing] all single mothers out of poverty…. Making a substantial fraction of people not poor would reduce poverty. Duh">

We… would be delighted by… lift[ing] all single mothers out of poverty…. Making a substantial fraction of people not poor would reduce poverty. Duh">Should-Read: David Brady: We… would be delighted by… lift[ing] all single mothers out of poverty…. Making a substantial fraction of people not poor would reduce poverty. Duh

Trump and Trade and Zombies">

Trump and Trade and Zombies">Should-Read: Paul Krugman: Trump and Trade and Zombies

The Real Reason for Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs">

The Real Reason for Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs">Should-Read: Martin Feldstein: The Real Reason for Trump’s Steel and Aluminum Tariffs

Another new publication!">

Another new publication!">Should-Read: Dan Shaviro: Another new publication!

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