Brad DeLong
Brad DeLong

Professor of Economics

University of California, Berkeley

Brad DeLong is a former guest blogger at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth. He is also a professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley, a research associate of the NBER, and a fellow of the Institute for New Economic Thinking, and was from 1993-1995 a deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He teaches economic history, macroeconomics, economic growth, and occasionally finance, political economy, and principles of economics. He writes, mostly, about the changing nature of the business cycle, the mainsprings of economic growth, the current economy in historical perspective, and the past economy in contemporary perspective.  He received his B.A. in social studies and Ph.D. in economics, both from Harvard University.

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Authored By Brad DeLong

The Data Science Venn Diagram">

The Data Science Venn Diagram">Should-Read: Lots to think about about how statistics and economics should be being taught these days: Drew Conway (2013): The Data Science Venn Diagram

The Market Dogs That Didn’t Bark">

The Market Dogs That Didn’t Bark">Should-Read: *Anatole Kaletsky *: The Market Dogs That Didn’t Bark

A Chinese Puzzle: Why Economic “Reform” in Xi’s China Has More Meanings than Market Liberalization">

A Chinese Puzzle: Why Economic “Reform” in Xi’s China Has More Meanings than Market Liberalization">Should-Read: Evan A. Feigenbaum: A Chinese Puzzle: Why Economic “Reform” in Xi’s China Has More Meanings than Market Liberalization

“This might be a good time to talk about the arithmetic of trade and manufacturing…">

“This might be a good time to talk about the arithmetic of trade and manufacturing…">Should-Read: Paul Krugman: “This might be a good time to talk about the arithmetic of trade and manufacturing…

The DACA and immigration debates are about whether Latinos are “real Americans”">

The DACA and immigration debates are about whether Latinos are “real Americans”">Should-Read: Will Wilkinson: The DACA and immigration debates are about whether Latinos are “real Americans”

Estimating The Effects Of Health Insurance And Other Social Programs On Poverty Under The Affordable Care Act">

Estimating The Effects Of Health Insurance And Other Social Programs On Poverty Under The Affordable Care Act">Should-Read: Dahlia K. Remler et al.: Estimating The Effects Of Health Insurance And Other Social Programs On Poverty Under The Affordable Care Act

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