Must-read: Stan Fischer: “Reflections on Macroeconomics Then and Now”
Must-Read: When I look at these five graphs below, this paragraph from Stan Fischer seems to me to be simply the wrong one-paragraph summary of the issues. Just wrong:
Reflections on Macroeconomics Then and Now: “Estimated Phillips curves appear to be flatter than they were estimated to be many years ago…
:…in terms of the textbooks, Phillips curves appear to be closer to what used to be called the Keynesian case (flat Phillips curve) than to the classical case (vertical Phillips curve). Since the U.S. economy is now below our 2 percent inflation target, and since unemployment is in the vicinity of full employment, it is sometimes argued that the link between unemployment and inflation must have been broken. I don’t believe that. Rather the link has never been very strong, but it exists, and we may well at present be seeing the first stirrings of an increase in the inflation rate–something that we would like to happen. |