Value Added – A blog

Our blog is the place where our staff and guest bloggers present clear, fact-based posts that make the connections between economic inequality and growth for the broad policy community and journalists based on the latest academic research.

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Economist’s View: Links for 02-19-18">

Economist’s View: Links for 02-19-18">Must-Read: Mark Thoma: Economist’s View: Links for 02-19-18

The father of consumer sovereignty">

The father of consumer sovereignty">Should-Read: Henry Farrell: The father of consumer sovereignty

The gender gap in economics has ramifications far beyond the ivory tower">

The gender gap in economics has ramifications far beyond the ivory tower">Should-Read: Bridget Ansel: The gender gap in economics has ramifications far beyond the ivory tower


How income inequality may affect U.S. interest rates

Tax & Macroeconomics
TOPICS: Monetary Policy

Income inequality and aggregate demand in the United States

Inequality & MobilityTax & Macroeconomics
Budgets, Bad Faith and ‘Balance’">

Budgets, Bad Faith and ‘Balance’">Should-Read: Paul Krugman: Budgets, Bad Faith and ‘Balance’

London life proves hard to give up for Brexit relocations">

London life proves hard to give up for Brexit relocations">Should-Read: Daniel Thomas: London life proves hard to give up for Brexit relocations

Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing">

Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing">Should-Read: Doug Campbell: Relative Prices, Hysteresis, and the Decline of American Manufacturing


Weekend reading: “changing roles” edition