Access to Paid Caregiving and the Impact on Financial Security, Employment, and Public Program Use of Non-Elderly Adults in the United States

Grant Type: doctoral

Grant Year: 2020

Grant Amount: $80,000

Grant description:

This research projects aims to identify the characteristics of individuals who have a family member who experiences the onset of disability or health shock but lack access to paid caregiving leave. The investigators will also estimate the impact of access to paid caregiving leave on financial security and employment for this group of individuals. The research team will use data from the National Compensation Survey to develop a machine-learning classification model that will be used to determine the likelihood that individuals observed in the Survey of Income and Program Participation have access to paid leave. This novel technique overcomes limitations of existing data sources that have hamstrung previous research efforts and poises the project to make a significant contribution to the small but growing body of research on caregiving leave.

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