Must- and Should-Reads: April 29, 2017

Branko Milanovic: El Super Clasico: Trade and Technology Duke It Out at CUNY: “The panelists seemed to agree…
* Trade, Jobs, and Inequality “CUNY :: The Graduate Center :: 365 Fifth Avenue :: C200: Proshansky Auditorium :: April 26, 2017: 6:30 PM
* INET: Education Initiative: “We are thrilled that you are joining us at the Berkeley Spring 2017 Education Convening, Friday, April 28th 9am-5pm Blum Hall, B100 #5570, Berkeley, CA 94720-5570…
* Peter Ganong and Pascal Noel: Consumer spending during unemployment: Positive and normative implications: “We study… unemployment insurance… using de-identified data from nearly 200,000 bank accounts…
* Nisha Chikhale: The importance of unemployment benefits for protecting against income drops: “Jesse Rothstein… and Robert Valletta… the role that unemployment insurance plays in supporting family incomes…
* Dietrich Vollrath: Topics in Economic Growth: “I just created some new pages…
* Nick Bunker: Weekend reading: “Link pass-through entity” edition | Equitable Growth: “Arindarjit Dube summarizes his recent research on the effect of minimum wage hikes on family incomes…

Interesting Reads:

April 29, 2017


Brad DeLong
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