Must-Read: Facundo Alvaredo et al.: Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from WID.WORLD

Must-Read: Facundo Alvaredo et al.: Global Inequality Dynamics: New Findings from WID.WORLD: “Global inequality dynamics involve strong and contradictory forces…

…We observe rising top income and wealth shares in nearly all countries in recent decades. But the magnitude of rising inequality varies substantially across countries, thereby suggesting that different country-specific policies and institutions matter considerably. High growth rates in
emerging countries reduce between-country inequality, but this in itself does not guarantee acceptable within-country inequality levels and ensure the social sustainability of globalization…

Cursor and Income share for the bottom 50 of Americans is collapsing new Piketty research finds MarketWatch Cursor and w23119 pdf

February 12, 2017


Brad DeLong
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