Should-Read: Branko Milanovic: Liberation from the Shackles of Space

Should-Read: Branko Milanovic: Liberation from the Shackles of Space: “A couple of things are worth noticing regarding the second unbundling…

…First, huge importance of institutions…. When the production is delocalized, the quality of institutions, infrastructure or politics  in the recipient country matters enormously to the center. If designs are stolen, produced goods impounded, travel of people between the center and the offshore location made difficult, the entire production structure of the company collapses. For the center, the quality of institutions in the offshore location becomes  almost as important as the quality of institutions locally.

Second… while in the past developing countries were trying to induce foreign investors to share their know-how, now the center (mother company) has all incentives to make sure the best technology is used because the offshore location has become an integral part of the center’s production chain.  This is an enormous change: rather than begging or incentivizing the rich country’s company to transfer technology, now the owner of that technology is herself keen to transfer to the offshore location as much of it as possible.

The great convergence from which the book takes its title, that is the remarkably fast growth of Asia, can thus be understood to have been made possible by an improvement in institutions and much greater transfer of technological know-how. And with both being directly related to the second unbundling. To put it simply: Asia grew thanks to globalization…

May 23, 2017


Brad DeLong
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