Must-Read: Tony Barber: A Renewed Nationalism Is Stalking Europe

Must-Read: Tony Barber: A Renewed Nationalism Is Stalking Europe: “Part of the appeal of rightwing populism is that it hammers away relentlessly on the theme that mainstream political parties…

…especially since the end of the Cold War, are almost indistinguishable from each other and offer no proper choice. Not without reason, the parties are depicted as corrupt and detached…. But… they have no economic policies beyond an iconoclastic rage at the euro, free trade and foreigners alleged to be parasites on the welfare state. The new nationalism, in its radical rightist colours, has no credible solutions for a modern Europe that, despite all its troubles, must pin its hopes for a better future on mutual co-operation and an open face to the world…

July 12, 2016


Brad DeLong
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