Things to Read on the Morning of March 24, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Morning Must-Read: How Secular Stagnation Came to Smurf Village :
- Mortgaging the Future? :
- Nighttime Must-Read: Dirty Energy Taxes and Clean Energy Innovation :
- Afternoon Must-Read: Free Speech on Campus Is Not Simple :
- Nighttime Must-Read: Default Panic and Other Tall Stories :
- Nighttime Must-Read: “Claims that climate science is a hoax, that human action is not a factor :
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Nighttime Must-Read: How Tip O’Neill and Ronald Reagan would make this Congress work **:
- “This blog is a scholarly experiment… the space where I can work through ideas and arguments for a book project on Trajan, the Senate and Republicanism… how emperor-senate relations are preserved in the textual and material record from Caesar to Trajan; and… picking apart why Trajan becomes memorialized as… Optimus Princeps…” :
- I just saw the first movie from Oculus, and it is the future :
- Judith and Holofernes :
- Gulf Stream Is Slowing Down Faster than Ever :
- The War Over Who Steve Jobs Was :