Things to Read on the Morning of June 4, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- “A settlement… [with] a non-disclosure provision… enforced by court orders if necessary…. Extortion, which is a serious crime…. On one level, the distinction between these two situations is perfectly clear, as Richard Nixon used to say. On another, it’s troubling that we allow people to buy silence regarding their crimes, as long as the appropriate paperwork is drawn up first.” :
- Bill Easterly and the Denial of Inconvenient Truths :
- Paul Krugman: Backward Induction and Brad DeLong
- Pennsylvania Rolls Out Back-up Plan In Case SCOTUS Rules Against Obamacare) :
- Must-Read: GDP Measures GDP :
- The Liquidity Time Bomb :
- People Worrying About a Technology Bubble Keep Making This Mistake :
- Must-Read: Technology, Inflation, and the Federal Reserve :
- Must-Read: To Overcome Rising Inequality, Workers Need More Bargaining Power :
- Much More than a Must-Read: The Case of the Missing Minsky :
- Must-Read: Thoughts on the Promises of Big Genomics :
Over at Equitable Growth—The Equitablog
- Education, housing, and U.S. economic inequality :
- Job losses, recessions and the U.S. labor market moving forward :
Might Like to Be Aware of: