Things to Read on the Morning of August 21, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Must-Read: Debt Is Good :
- Must-Read: U.S. Economic Prospects: Secular Stagnation, Hysteresis, and the Zero Lower Bound (2014):
- Must-Read: Romer v. Lucas :
- The Fed’s Faith-Based 2% Inflation Forecast: Raising rates on the assumption that sub-2% inflation won’t be lasting could be dangerous :
- Must-Read: Conversations with Economists (1984):
- Must-Read: Reform and Revolution in Macroeconomics) :
- Must-Read: Annotate the World :
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- “The iron confidence of Establishment Republicans and MSM types and political scientists that all this ‘populist’ nonsense will blow over…. If said leaders cannot even convincingly demonstrate that Jeb’s more electable than Donald Trump, why would Caucus and primary voters follow them over the cliff to support a guy they clearly don’t like?” :
- Must-Read: Despotic Rulers Who Display Their Muscle to Turn Back Time :
- “But that’s just a randomized controlled trial. I’m sure we can do better in comments!” :
- “For a candidate who insists ‘I’m my own man’ anytime he’s asked about his famous family lineage, Jeb Bush sure likes calling in blood relatives to help raise campaign cash….George H.W. Bush… Barbara Bush… at the ‘Jeb Celebration’… plus George W. Bush…” :
- “Not only is it rare for a hedge fund to have returns that are materially different from what a passive strategy could obtain, but the genuinely active minority exhibits inferior performance…” :
- The Hunting of Hillary : The Hunting of Hillary :