Things to Read on the Evening of March 15, 2015
Must- and Shall-Reads:
- The Shape of Temptation: Implications for the Economic Lives of the Poor :
- Will the Dollar Impact US Growth? :
- Why Inequality Matters :
- Euro-area governance: what to reform and how to do it :
- A Retrospective Look at Rescuing and Restructuring General Motors and Chrysler :
- “Interestingly, this is not the first time European monetary policy has served to stabilize the core economies while destabilizing the periphery. The first go-round occurred in 1992 under the European Monetary System (EMS)…” :
- Another Perspective On King v. Burwell :
- Because Finance Is Boring :
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- Frontline Analysts
Should Be Aware of:
- “NYT Then: Clinton ‘May Have Violated’ Federal Law With Email Use…. NYT Now… ‘Members of President Obama’s cabinet have a wide variety of strategies, shortcuts and tricks for handling their email, and until three months ago there was no law setting out precisely what they had to do with it, and when. And while the majority of Obama administration officials use government email to conduct their business, there has never been any legal prohibition against using a personal account…” :
- The Imaginary ‘Moynihan Report’ – The Daily Beast :
“Calling in the military to force Congress to pass a particular program that, not coincidentally, funds the military? That actually is fascism. Good job Lindsey. It’s early in the election cycle as well. Surely this can be topped and some Republican will call for full-fledged military government….” :