Tax Reform and Equitable Growth
As members of Congress consider tax reform, their focus should be the living standards of American families, particularly middle-class families and families striving to reach the middle class. This page collects recent research, analysis, and commentary from Equitable Growth that can help policymakers understand the consequences for American families of potential changes in tax law and inform their choices about the substance of tax reform.
Issue Briefs
If U.S. tax reform delivers equitable growth, a distribution table will show it
Greg Leiserson
What is the federal business-level tax on capital in the United States?
Greg Leiserson
The ‘Unified Framework’ is a proposal for two new wasteful tax expenditures
Greg Leiserson
False promises about corporate taxes and American workers
Kimberly A. Clausing
In defense of the statutory U.S. corporate tax rate
Greg Leiserson
It’s no surprise that the Kansas tax cut experiment failed to create jobs
Greg Leiserson
Strengthening the indispensable U.S. corporate tax
Kimberly A. Clausing
Taxing Capital: Paths to a fairer and broader U.S. tax system
David Kamin
Testimony before the House Committee on Ways and Means Tax Reform Forum
Heather Boushey