- Rucker C. Johnson and C. Kirabo Jackson: REDUCING INEQUALITY THROUGH DYNAMIC COMPLEMENTARITY: EVIDENCE FROM HEAD START AND PUBLIC SCHOOL SPENDING: “We explore whether early childhood human-capital investments are complementary to those made later in life…” http://www.bradford-delong.com/2017/06/should-read-rucker-c-johnson-and-c-kirabo-jackson-reducing-inequality-through-dynamic-complementarity-evidence-from.html
- Nick Bunker: EQUITY, EFFICIENCY AND EDUCATION SPENDING IN THE UNITED STATES: “Released today as part of the Equitable Growth Working Paper series… Rucker C. Johnson of the University of California-Berkeley and C. Kirabo Jackson…” http://www.bradford-delong.com/2017/06/should-read-nick-bunker-equity-efficiency-and-education-spending-in-the-united-states-released-today-as-part-of-the.html
- Sarah Kliff: On Twitter: “A stunning pair of charts of the CBO report from my colleague @alv9n https://t.co/nZHz8OMurV“ https://twitter.com/sarahkliff/status/879460806198538241
- Atul Gewande: How the Senate’s Health-Care Bill Threatens the Nation’s Health: “The Senate bill would also ultimately make people who buy insurance on the A.C.A. exchanges—people without coverage from an employer or from Medicaid—pay far more money for far worse coverage… http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/how-senates-health-care-bill-threatens-nations-health
- Erica Grieder: The GOP’s ‘Better Care’ act is better than you think: “While the Affordable Care Act has surely helped millions of Americans… http://theweek.com/articles/707712/gops-better-care-act-better-than-think
- Scott Lemieux: Hacktacular!: “The New York Times has given op-ed space to Avik Roy, so he can prove that you can’t spell ‘reformicon’ without ‘con’… http://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2017/06/hacktacular-30
- Scott Lemieux: No Vote on TrumpCare In June: “This really is important… http://www.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com/2017/06/no-vote-trumpcare-june
- Tara Golshan, Dylan Scott, and Jeff Stein: We asked 8 Senate Republicans to explain what their health bill is trying to do: “Vox asked GOP senators to explain their hopes for it. Who will benefit from the legislation? What problems is this bill trying to solve?.. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/6/16/15810524/senate-ahca-explain-please
- Ben Zipperer and John Schmitt: The “high road” Seattle labor market and the effects of the minimum wage increase: Data limitations and methodological problems bias new analysis of Seattle’s minimum wage increase: “Jardim et al. (2017), looks at the first two stages of a phased-in set of increases that will eventually take the minimum wage in the city to $15.00 per hour… http://www.epi.org/publication/the-high-road-seattle-labor-market-and-the-effects-of-the-minimum-wage-increase-data-limitations-and-methodological-problems-bias-new-analysis-of-seattles-minimum-wage-incr/
- David Brooks: The G.O.P. Rejects Conservatism: “”There is a structural flaw in modern capitalism… [a] gigantic trend [that] widens inequality, exacerbates social segmentation, fuels distrust and led to Donald Trump… https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/opinion/the-gop-rejects-conservatism.html
- Tierney Sneed: 5 Points On The Brutal CBO Score Senate Republicans Must Overcome: “The new score offers Senate GOPers nowhere to hide… http://talkingpointsmemo.com/fivepoints/senate-repeal-bill-cbo-score-politics
- Lane Kenworthy and Ive Marx: In-Work Poverty in the United States: “In-work poverty became a prominent policy issue in the United States… http://ftp.iza.org/dp10638.pdf
- Diane Coyle: Economics in Transition: The End of Theory: “There has been a huge shift away from the reductionism of an older generation… to which Bookstaber has paid little attention… https://www.project-syndicate.org/onpoint/economics-in-transition-by-diane-coyle-2017-06
- Larry Summers: Globalization Will Work If We Stop Catering To The Elite: “A wage subsidy works like this… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/globalization-larry-summers_us_594b0440e4b0312cfb616164
Interesting Reads:
- Timothy Layton, Ellen Montz, and Thomas McGuire: The Downstream Consequences Of Per Capita Spending Caps In Medicaid http://healthaffairs.org/blog/2017/06/26/the-downstream-consequences-of-per-capita-spending-caps-in-medicaid/
- James Kwak: A New Economic Vision, in 27 Words: “So here it is, in 27 words: All people need a few basic things: An education, a job, a place to live, health care, a decent retirement. Let’s make sure everyone has these things. If you want more, there is always the long version…” https://baselinescenario.com/2017/06/28/a-new-economic-vision-in-27-words/
- Barry Eichengreen: Ragnar Nurkse and the international financial architecture https://www.eestipank.ee/en/publication/working-papers/2017/12017-barry-eichengreen-ragnar-nurkse-and-international-financial-architecture