Must- and Should-Reads: December 6, 2016

  • Richard Mayhew: The Core of the Fight: “Actuarial value and subsidy level is the core element of the coming fight on Medicare…
  • Izabella Kaminska: The Taxi Unicorn’s New Clothes: “[Hubert Horan:] ‘For the year ending September 2015, Uber had GAAP losses of $2 billion…
  • Noah Smith: An Econ Theory, Falsified: “Almost every theory is falsifiable to some degree… since almost every theory is just an approximation…
  • Friedrich Engels (1888): Notes to the “Communist Manifesto”: “(4)…. Generally speaking, for the economical development…
  • Nicholas Bagley: Health Insurance Market Implosion: “The big risk of [ObamaCare] repeal-and-delay (well, one big risk) is that the individual insurance market will unravel before repeal takes effect. As Robert Laszewski tartly noted…
  • Neville Morley: When It Changed: “Eric Hobsbawm[‘s]… short twentieth century… [an] idea… found in Stefan Zweig’s Die Welt von Gestern
  • James Kwak: The Deduction Fairy: “Incoming Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin promised a big tax cut for corporations and the ‘middle class’, but not for the rich…
  • T.M. Scanlon: Giving Desert Its Due: “Here the relevant critical point was made by Rawls…
  • Diego Daruich, William Easterly, Ariell Reshef: The Surprising Instability of Export Specializations: “Specializations are surprisingly unstable: Export ranks are not persistent, and new top products and destinations replace old ones…

Interesting Reads:

Must- and Should-Read: December 2, 2016


Interesting Reads:

Must- and Should-Reads: December 1, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must-Reads: November 29, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must-Reads: November 25, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must-Reads: November 20, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must- and Should-Reads: November 18, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must-Reads: November 16, 2016

Interesting Reads:

Must-Reads: November 13, 2016


Over at Equitable Growth: Must-Reads:

Should Reads:


Must-Reads: November 11, 2016

Should Reads: