Should-Reads for January 20, 2017
Over at Equitable Growth: Must- and Should-Reads:
- Duncan Black: Conservative Health Care Plan: “Liberal Trump fanfic scenarios aside…
- Kevin Drum: Why Do Republicans Hate Obamacare?: “Why the continued rabid opposition to Obamacare?…
- Nick Rowe: AD/AS: A Suggested Interpretation: “Many macroeconomists don’t like the Aggregate Demand/Aggregate Supply framework…. So I am going to explain it…
- N. Gregory Mankiw and Lawrence H. Summers (1984): Are Tax Cuts Really Expansionary?: “If consumer spending generates more money demand than other components of GNP…
Interesting Reads:
- Ryan Cooper: This is how American health care kills people
- J. William Ward (1962): Andrew Jackson: Symbol for an Age 0195006992
- Kent Flannery and Joyce Marcus (2012): The Creation of Inequality: How Our Prehistoric Ancestors Set the Stage for Monarchy, Slavery, and Empire (Cambridge: Harvard University Press: 0674416772)
- Mariana Mazzucato (2013): Government: Investor, Risk-Taker, Innovator
- Note to Self: I always find it interesting that Friedman and the monetarists formulated money demand as a function of income rather than of private spending
- Better Living through Chemistry: My first caffeinated coffee drink in two weeks–and only my third in a month and a half. WHEE!!!!