Noted for Blood Supermoon Time on September 27, 2015
Must- and Should-Reads:
- Economics: What Went Right :
- Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s Responsibility for Mass Incarceration :
- Lunch with the FT: Mariana Mazzucato :
- Neither Peace nor Freedom: The Cultural Cold War in Latin America :
Might Like to Be Aware of:
- Trapped in the System: A Sick Doctor’s Story :
- “Jenny [Lawson] sent an Advance Reading Copy of her newest book… Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things…. I loved it. I loved it even more than her first book, which I enjoyed so much that I bought multiple copies to give away as Christmas presents. The bad news is that my life is such a bloody shambles that I didn’t get back to her in time for a gushy blurb to make it onto the back of her book…. I finished reading the book on an airplane, and I was so happy and weepy and amazed that I sent Jenny the following series of text messages…” :
- “Gravity waves…. They found nothing in a useful way… can actually rule out most of the models of gravity wave production by binary supermassive black holes…. The authors suspect it’s most likely due to a problem with our models of black hole mergers…. One additional possibility:’ We have not yet tested [Gravity Wave Backgrounds] expected from alternate theories of gravity.'” :
- How GOP Radicals Made the Speakership Unappealing: Leaders who try to operate within realistic constraints face certain revolt from insurgents demanding ideological purity :
- Book Excerpt: Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction :