Morning Must-Read: Vermont Is Kicking Everyone’s A– at Signing Up People for Obamacare

Vermont Is Kicking Everyone s Ass at Signing Up People for Obamacare Mother Jones Kevin Drum: Vermont Is Kicking Everyone’s A– at Signing Up People for Obamacare:

The number of people who have completed an application and been confirmed eligible to purchase private insurance via the exchange. They still have the final enrollment step left, but they’ve obviously navigated everything successfully…. The chart below shows the results for 49 states (there’s no data for Massachusetts). States in red are running their own websites. States in blue are using the federal website. Vermont and Kentucky are way ahead of everyone else, and demonstrate how well the Obamacare rollout is doing in places where the website is working and the state government is doing a good job of marketing and operations.

December 12, 2013

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