Morning Must-Read: Richard Mayhew: Who Loses from ObamaCare?

Richard Mayhew: Why the AFP Ads S—: “There are a couple of categories of people who are undeniably worse off under Obamacare….

  • People earning over $250,000 per year in Modified Adjusted Gross Income who have employer sponsored health care or Medicare and are paying more in taxes

  • Young single males with absolutely no health problems, no relatives with health problems and incomes over 250% Federal Poverty Line that previously had a $42 a month, $25,000 deductible plans that did not cover maternity or mental health needs. Those policies got cancelled…. Avik Roy has been trying to make this class sympathetic and failing miserably)

Those are the two big classes of losers under the law. Neither are particularly sympathetic…

February 22, 2014

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