Morning Must-Read: Jim Newell: Eric Cantor and the Drudge Report
Jim Newell (June 10, 2014): Drudge’s new fixation: Eric Cantor and the right’s frenzied paranoia: “As a hobby, scanning the Drudge Report for signals of what rabbit hole…
…the conservative brain has gone down at any given point has lost some of its novelty over the years. Still, it was hard not to notice this morning that Drudge, in the prime upper-left real estate of his site, had listed a full 14 links regarding immigration and a supposed impending push for “amnesty” among the House Republican leadership. (Personal favorite: “Kids Complaining Burritos They’re Being Fed Making Them Sick…”) What gives on this sleepy Tuesday? We learned last week, after all, that the House won’t hold any immigration-related votes in June. That leaves the leadership a few weeks in July to pass the unicorn-like Secret Amnesty that’s not in its interest to pass. Why is it so vital to whip up the conservative base about immigration reform on today of all days? Hmmm … maybe something about Tuesday … primary season … it’s a Tuesday during primary season … Ohhhhhhhh, we get it: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s primary is today!