Morning Must-Read: Heidi Przybyla: Obamacare Losing Punch as Campaign Weapon in Ad Battles
Heidi Przybyla: Obamacare Losing Punch as Campaign Weapon in Ad Battles: “Republicans seeking to unseat the U.S. Senate incumbent…
…in North Carolina have cut in half the portion of their top issue ads citing Obamacare, a sign that the party’s favorite attack against Democrats is losing its punch. The shift–also… in… Arkansas and Louisiana–shows Republicans are easing off their strategy of criticizing Democrats over the Affordable Care Act now that many Americans are benefiting from the law and the measure is unlikely to be repealed. ‘The Republican Party is realizing you can’t really hang your hat on it’, said Andrew Taylor…. Republican pollster Whit Ayres, who has advised U.S. Senate candidates including Marco Rubio…. ‘Obamacare will not be the most important issue’, and Republicans will have to ‘target people very directly’… said Ayres, who co-wrote a memo this month for outside spending groups such as Crossroads GPS and the American Action Network…