Morning Must-Read: Dylan Scott: The Toughest Questions The GOP Should Have To Answer On Obamacare
Dylan Scott: The Toughest Questions The GOP Should Have To Answer On Obamacare: “Three Questions For Republicans…
…Who Want To Repeal The Affordable Care Act: 1. How would any alternative policy account for the millions of previously uninsured people who have gotten health coverage under Obamacare?… 2. Do you think covering the uninsured should be the goal of federal policy? If so, how would your alternative policy achieve that and keep insurance costs stable without an individual mandate?… 3. You have criticized President Obama for canceled policies under Obamacare. If your alternative policy is intended to expand health coverage, how would it achieve that without causing the same kind of disruption in the market?… Three Questions For Republicans Who Don’t Want To Repeal The Affordable Care Act: 1. Would you oppose continued efforts by Republican leadership to repeal Obamacare or intentionally undercut its effectiveness?… 2. What serious improvements to the law are you ready to propose that could win support from congressional Democrats and the White House?… 3. If your state has not expanded Medicaid under the law, what are you willing to do to persuade GOP state leaders to accept expansion?