Monday Afternoon Must-Read: Brainwave: The Kynect Challenge
Brainwrap: ACA Signups: Presenting the Great Conservative Kynect Challenge!: “I present you with the following (thanks to Jed Lewison for the tip):
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell says he would try to repeal the Affordable Care Act…. But the veteran senator won’t say what would happen to the 413,000 Kentuckians who have health insurance through the state’s health care exchange. McConnell told reporters Friday that the fate of the state exchange is unconnected to the federal health care law. Yet the exchange would not exist, if not for the law that created it….Now, supporters of the law in Kentucky… want people to have access to healthcare coverage even if the recipient is too intellectually lazy (or, gasp, racist?) to perform the most rudimentary research on the subject…. That brings us to the Mitch McConnell story above. Senator Turtle just flat-out lied about the fact that Kynect is Obamacare. He didn’t exaggerate or tell a half-truth; he told a bald-faced lie about it. So, here’s my challenge to you, Conservative Pundits: Will you tell your readers at Forbes, HotAir, the Daily Caller, NewsMax and (dare I say it) FOX News the truth? Will you state point-blank with no equivocation that Kynect, Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are all the same Goddamned law?…. I’ll make it easy for you; here’s a simple graphic for you to share: